Picture of Moorea seen from Tahiti, just lended on the Island, nov 2014
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Five years ago I had the opportunity to travel to French Polynesia
and I fell in love with that place.
Since then I have perceived differently the greatness of the Planet on which we live
and the importance of the Ocean that unites us, with its immensity and global relevance
The day I left Tahiti I decided to make a promise to that island;
To return back by sailing and be able to navigate between those islands and move with the wind, so be free to know as much as possible.
Since then I decided to devote myself to learning how to sail and work on the sea.
I started my career from zero, doing everything to gain as much experience as possible.
Today, I work as a skipper, dedicating my life to my passion and I am slowly following the route to my dream.
During these trips, while I was in close contact with the sea, the nature of the coasts and the various islands that I met on my route, a certain sense of awareness was born in me regarding the environment.
If we come to this world as human beings
and if we have only one life,
shouldn’t we care about respecting our planet as our home?
We have only ONE PLANET on which we can live
and only ONE LIFE to do it.
Why are we fooled by the materialistic society in which we live? and why do we generate more and more unnecessary waste?
Why don't we worry about future generations that will have to deal with our ignorance?
There are many excuses we can continue to hide behind.
Or... we can decide to change something now, even if with small actions...
Baby steps. One by One.
So I decided that,
while I dedicate myself to travel and navigate this wonderful planet
during the only life I have available,
I want to try to do my part,
I want to spend my time trying to improve my habits,
I want to learn,
I want to be more aware
and have more respect for my home.
I hope that by doing so
I can also convince you to do the same...
Remember that
We just have One Planet,
And We just have One Life.